"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

What they’re and the best way to treat them

Every person's personality is different. Your personality determines how you’re thinking that and feel, but this also includes the way you behave and take care of things.

Sometimes you start to feel or behave in another way toward others or certain activities, and your behavior can result in problems at home, at work, or at college. This change in behavior is named a personality disorder.

There are three groups of personality disorders:

  • Cluster A, which is unusual or strange behavior
  • Cluster B, which is dramatic or emotional behaviors
  • Cluster C, which is anxious or fearful behaviors

Cluster C personality disorders may cause you to avoid or cling to people, depending on the particular disorder.

The three types are:

Avoidant personality disorder. With this disorder, it’s possible you’ll avoid interacting with people since you fear they are going to reject or criticize you. Maybe you’re thinking that you'll never have the opportunity to maintain up.

You may experience a few of these symptoms:

  • Not with the ability to handle criticism or rejection
  • Avoid work or social activities that involve plenty of interaction
  • Avoid recent activities or meeting recent people
  • Fear of disappointing others
  • Feel shy or timid and like to be alone
  • Avoid intimate relationships to avoid ridicule or shame

Dependent personality disorder. If you suffer from this disorder, it’s possible you’ll end up clinging to some key people in your life and losing your self-confidence.

You may experience a few of these symptoms:

  • Feeling extremely depending on others
  • Clinging to or being submissive to others
  • Not with the ability to make your individual plans
  • Not being willing to do on a regular basis activities alone
  • I seek support and encouragement in any respect costs
  • Avoid disagreements with others
  • Staying in abusive or unhealthy relationships
  • Feeling the necessity to start out a brand new relationship when a relationship ends‌

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder. They may push people away to take care of order and control. You can also grow to be so focused on details that you just ignore the people around you.

You may experience a few of these symptoms:

  • Focus on details and order
  • Being a perfectionist and getting upset when you may't meet personal standards
  • Follow the foundations regardless of what, especially the foundations you created
  • I would like to be in charge of every situation
  • Unwillingness to assign tasks at work
  • You don't need to throw away broken or unwanted items
  • Extremely focused on work and ignoring family and friends
  • Be determined and stubborn
  • Be extremely economical with money

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder shouldn’t be the identical as obsessive-compulsive disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Obsessive compulsive disorder signifies that you may have unwanted obsessions that trigger anxiety. Therefore, you repeatedly perform certain actions or rituals – called compulsions – to forestall or reduce the anxiety that these obsessions cause.

Often you don't realize that you may have Type C personality disorder because your actions or thoughts seem natural or normal to you.‌

A trusted friend or member of the family could be the one who notices certain symptoms and suggests you discuss with your doctor or a mental health skilled.

A diagnosis normally includes:

  • Physical examination
  • Psychiatric assessment
  • Checking the fault criteria

A health care provider will perform a physical examination to find out whether you may have a health condition which may be causing personality changes. Your doctor may order blood tests and screening tests for drugs or alcohol.

After asking questions and reviewing the factors within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), your doctor may refer you to a specialist.

This skilled may very well be a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other therapist. They may take over your care and perform further tests before supplying you with a diagnosis.

These personality disorders are most frequently treated with psychotherapy or medication.‌

Psychotherapy. Also called talk therapy, this helps you speak about your moods, feelings, and behaviors. You will work with a psychologist who will enable you get your disorder under control.‌

You can also receive social skills training. These sessions are sometimes individual sessions, but will also be group sessions. Group sessions could be conducted with other people affected by personality disorders or with family and friends as a therapeutic process.

Medication. The mostly used medications to assist individuals with personality disorders are antidepressants, mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety medications.

Get help for those who or someone you recognize is showing signs of Cluster C personality disorder. You can discuss with your doctor or a specialist, or contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness for help finding a therapist and support groups.