"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Men with elevated blood levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) often need a biopsy to find out the diagnosis ...

When cancer patients are treated with radiation, it is feasible that the therapy itself may cause recent tumors ...

Active surveillance (AS) is now essentially the most common selection for men diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer, during ...

When a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test produces an abnormal result, the following step is normally a prostate ...

How old is it to undergo a radical prostatectomy? William D. Wolff, MD, chief of the division of ...

I'm excited about getting a vasectomy, but a friend says it might increase the danger of prostate cancer. ...

Despite the importance of prostate cancer, its causes are unknown. Scientists know that genetics plays a robust role, ...

What is the difference between PSA and free PSA? Do I would like to have each tests? Whether ...

External beam radiation doesn’t at all times kill prostate cancer. Researchers estimate that roughly 20% to 30% of ...

Balance doesn’t play a task in stopping prostate problems or major diseases. Still, balance is significant for health. ...