"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Obesity is a dangerous disease that shares vital characteristics with cancer.

Although obesity has been Recognized as a disease by the World Health Organization (WHO). Since 1948, its recognition as a disease is probably not as widely understood as other health conditions.

There are fewer people living with obesity. There is a possibility of receiving dedicated care for this condition, unlike patients with other diseases akin to cancer. However, obesity and cancer have many similarities. It belongs to Global importanceGiven the dramatic increase within the variety of affected adults and youngsters, Including Canada.

Obesity is a disease.

Like cancer, or other medically recognized diseases, obesity needs to be treated as seriously as public opinion dictates. Obesity is just not only a disease in itself, but it will possibly also contribute to its onset and progression. Cancer and other diseasesAs Diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Obesity affects people in some ways:

Mechanically: Obesity imposes an excess. Stress on bones and joints, in addition to internal organs. It can do this too. May cause airway obstruction Which can result in obstructive sleep apnea.

Biologically: Obesity can lead to osteoarthritis.for instance, and it presents with inflammation And Irregular secretions by inactive fat tissue cells.

This also can result in obesity. Abnormal fat deposits on vital organswhich seriously alters the complete organism. Homeostasisor biological stability.

Psychologically: Obese patients may have difficulty completing daily activities.; Even easy things like tying shoelaces generally is a challenge. It is made worse by Profound influence of social media and the promotion of a false “ideal” body image, which stigmatizes obese patients.

There can be evidence that obesity is associated. Inflammation of the brain and increased risk of mental health conditions akin to major Depressive disorder And restlessness.

Common features of obesity and cancer

As a disease, obesity shares many common characteristics with cancer.
(By Besma Boubertakh, using Biorender.com and Mindthegraph.com)

Obesity shares several vital characteristics with cancer:

Polygonal Bases: Both diseases don’t have any known single cause, which may make prevention and treatment difficult.

Obesity is just not simply attributable to a person lifestyle of high caloric consumption or low physical exertion, because the balance between energy intake and expenditure might be tipped in either direction. Genetics, environment, as well as other factors that are not fully understood.

Metastasis: As with cancer, obesity can be involved in metastasisThat is, this disease can spread to other parts of the body.

In the case of obesity, this takes the shape of ectopic fat deposits, which occur when the adipose (fat) tissue cannot store all the surplus. Triglycerides, a variety of lipid or fat. Triglycerides then accumulate outside of their normal locations, including across the organs. In obesity, fat can accumulate in the center, liver, blood vessels, and Even the mind. These deposits can alter the functions of significant organs and have devastating effects on a person's health.

Progressive development and stages: obesityLike cancer, Can progress slowly to achieve advanced harmful stages. One of the explanations people consider obesity as a less serious disease than cancer is because they pay more attention to the stages of cancer.

In fact, each obesity and cancer can progress slowly within the absence of proper diagnosis and intervention. However, obesity-related deaths are sometimes attributed to potential secondary diseases (akin to cardiovascular ischemic events and even cancer) and ignore the vital effects of obesity.

A red yo-yo with a measuring tape instead of string
Many obese people struggle to regain weight after weight reduction, a phenomenon sometimes called the 'yo-yo' effect. However, reoccurrence is a greater term to interchange yo-yo, because it more seriously emphasizes that obesity is much from a sport.

come again: People who get well from obesity may experience relapses. A great example is seen within the TV series. Contestants who lost weight. On the show Got it back later.

The reoccurrence of obesity is sometimes called the “yo-yo” effect. However, “relapse” is a greater term to interchange yo-yo, because it more seriously emphasizes that obesity is much from a sport. In fact, some patients struggle deeply to regain uncontrollable weight.

As the story of the emperor's recent clothes illustrates, people's ideas might be incorrect. Often, perceptions of obesity don’t reflect its serious health risks. Obesity is a scientifically proven, and internationally recognized disease. The reflection of its characteristics with Cancer reveals its inherent disease potential.

Illustration of a tailor, and a king looking in a mirror in his underwear.
We must learn from the story of the emperor's recent clothes and recognize the truth of things: obesity is just not just an affliction but an actual disease.

Obesity is a disease because it will possibly impair many features of health. WHO defines health. as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Although obesity shares many disease characteristics with cancer, it is just not recognized as a disease in society, and folks with obesity are less more likely to get the assistance and treatment they need. There is an urgent must reshape the best way obesity is viewed.