"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

How's your walnut man? Why don't men prefer to speak about their enlarged prostate?

A conversation about how again and again an evening you may have to stand up for a puddle might be not probably the most interesting conversation. But there's an enormous reason why men don't prefer to speak about prostate conditions.

My experience as a practicing urologist suggests that almost all men don’t prefer to speak about their enlarged prostate because they don’t know what their prostate actually is or does. So let's see how it will possibly cause problems when it increases with age. They've heard of it after all, they realize it's down there and may be cancerous, but mostly I think that's the extent of it.

So, let's get back to basics and explain to those guys (you?) what the prostate is, what it does, and what can occur when it gets enlarged on account of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement).

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a gland product of solid tissue that sits just under the male bladder and surrounds its outlet. The job of the prostate is to make semen in order that the sperm released from the testicles at ejaculation have transport and nourishment for his or her journey to the promised land of the feminine fallopian tubes.

Prostates are often concerning the size of a walnut, but once men reach 50 and beyond, it's quite common to have an enlarged prostate. It will not be cancer and doesn’t seem like related to cancer. We don't know exactly why the prostate decides to grow right now, but it surely appears to be on account of some interaction between hormones.

Because the prostate surrounds the surface of the bladder, when it enlarges it sometimes narrows the outlet, causing poor urine flow and incomplete bladder emptying. This can result in other symptoms corresponding to urgency and frequency of urination, normally at night (nocturia). Together, we call these lower urinary tract symptoms.

The worst case scenario in benign prostatic hyperplasia is when the bladder becomes completely blocked (acute retention). This is amazingly painful and requires immediate insertion of a catheter, which drains the urine.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
From www.shutterstock.com


The classic presentation is a middle-aged or older man who complains of those lower urinary tract symptoms. A health care provider's rectal exam, where the back of the prostate may be felt, or an ultrasound will normally show an enlarged prostate. Incidentally, prostate cancer rarely causes lower urinary tract symptoms, but is common on this exact age group, complicating its diagnosis.

Symptoms that raise a red flag that easy old benign prostatic hyperplasia is probably not the underlying explanation for the lower urinary tract are painful urination (dysuria) and blood within the urine (hematuria). Any of those could indicate cancer or a urinary tract infection and at all times require further tests to rule them out. If the symptoms are only standard lower urinary tract symptoms corresponding to urgency and urinary frequency, no further tests are needed.


The most significant thing to know is that if the symptoms don't hassle you particularly, you No treatment is required Of course your symptoms may worsen over time, but they may be effectively managed if and once they have a major impact on quality of life.

The commonest treatment for painful urinary tract symptoms on account of an enlarged prostate is medication. Many of those may be given as a pill every day.

Alpha 1 blockers It appears to work by relaxing the muscle fibers within the prostate, reducing the constriction of its bladder outlet. These normally provide relief inside just a few days of the onset of symptoms.

Interestingly, one among the drugs commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction (Tadalafil) works similarly. Its low-dose form can also be approved to be used within the treatment of those urinary symptoms.

5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) is a very different form of drug, which shrinks the tissue of the prostate gland, shrinking most of it to cut back blockage by the prostate. But they take longer to work, so their effect is normally not seen for several months. In addition, these drugs can sometimes cause erectile dysfunction and reduce libido. An available drug Combines both an alpha1-blocker and a 5-ARI. in a single pill.

Both alpha-1 blockers and 5-ARIs work on the prostate, but sometimes it's not the prostate itself that causes these symptoms, but Overactive bladder Instead, if urinary urgency and frequency are the foremost symptoms, a drugs that works directly Relaxing the bladder muscle (detrusor) There could also be a greater option. Many of those varieties are actually available.

Although some people swear by natural remedies. Saw palmettoprobably the most rigorous test of evidence tells us that it is not any higher than placebo.

Surgical optionsAlthough highly effective, is reserved for more severe symptoms, or when insufficient bladder emptying results in the relatively rare consequences of bladder stones, recurrent urinary tract infections or kidney failure.

So now that you just're up thus far in your prostate and benign prostatic hyperplasia, you don't must be afraid to ask your colleagues about their walnuts.