Cats live with humans. Thousands of years. And A long time ago Cat memes and viral TikToks have taken over the web, comforting us with their purrs and making us laugh with their antics.
But what does the research say – are cats good for us?
Living with a cat can have a profound — and sometimes surprising — effect on our physical and mental health. Still, living with cats isn't without risk.
Part of the family
You could have heard that cats don't have owners, they’ve “staff”. In fact, several studies show that humans who live with them feel like beloved relatives.
In one study Half of the 1,800 Dutch cat owners said their cat was family. One in three saw their cat as a toddler or best friend and located them loyal, supportive and compassionate.
Another American study “Family ties“Measured and located cats were as essential an element of families as dogs.
Many cats will select. Human interaction More than food or toys. And They can distinguish When we’re talking to them (moderately than one other human being).
In fact, we’ve got adapted to one another. There are cats. More likely Approaching human strangers who first give a “kitty kiss” – narrowing their eyes and blinking gently. And research shows that cats have developed specific meows that match our nurturing instincts.
What does this close relationship mean for health outcomes?
Batten Studio/Shutterstock
A way of purpose
Owning a pet is related to this. Less social isolation. And Some cat owners Says that “providing for the cat” increases their enjoyment and sense of purpose.
But the advantages of bonding can rely upon the way you relate to your cat.
A study Looked at different relationship styles between humans and cats, including “remote”, “casual” and “codependent”. He found individuals who had a co-dependent relationship with their cat or had a more emotional connection to their pet, like a friend.
Heart Health Links
People who own – or have – a cat. Low risk Dying of heart diseases resembling stroke or heart disease. This result has been repeated persistently. study.
However, one problem with interpreting population studies is that they only tell us about an association. This means that individuals with cats have a lower risk of dying from heart problems, but we are able to't say obviously that cats are the cause.

Ruth McHugh Dillon, CC BY-NC
Cat ownership has also been related to some positive changes Gut microbiotaEspecially in women, resembling improved blood glucose control and reduced inflammation.
Supporting mental health
Having a cat or dog can be related to it. High psychological well-being. For individuals with depression, pet or play along with your cat is shown to scale back symptoms (although this was over a brief, two-hour period and can’t be prolonged to the long run).
Another technique to learn in regards to the health effects of cats is thru qualitative research: asking people what their cats mean to them, beyond the numbers.
When the partner and I Surveyed veteranswe found that people who find themselves more attached to their pets even have lower mental health scores. But their survey responses told a distinct story. One respondent said, “My cats are the reason I get up in the morning”.
Another wrote:
I consider my pet a service animal. My cat helps me chill out after I'm coping with my anxiety, depression or after I get up at night with frequent nightmares. My cat will not be only a pet to me, my cat is a component of me, my cat is a component of my family.
It could also be that the experimenters were more attached to their cats because they’d poorer mental health – and relied more on their cats for comfort – moderately than the opposite way around.
Downsides of mental health
It's possible that there are downsides to being attached to your cat. If your cat gets sick, the burden of caring for them can have a negative impact in your mental health.
In our study About one-third of householders whose cats had epilepsy experienced clinical burden as caregivers that was prone to interfere with their day by day functioning.

Artak Pictures/Shutterstock
Cats also can take it. Zoonotic Diseases, that are infections that spread from animals to humans.
He is the fundamental host for it. toxoplasmosisa parasite shed in cat feces that may infect other mammals, including humans. The parasite is more prone to be carried. Wild cats which hunt their food greater than domestic cats.
Most people have. Mild symptoms It may be just like the flu. But Infection during pregnancy Can cause miscarriage or stillbirth, or cause problems for the newborn including blindness and seizures.
There are pregnant women and folks with low immunity. Most at risk. It is really useful that these groups don’t empty cat litter trays, or use gloves if obligatory. Changing the litter tray day by day prevents parasites. Reach a stage Which can affect people.
One in five individuals are allergic to cats and it's on the rise.
When cats lick their fur, the allergen collects of their saliva. When their fur and Dryness (skin flakes) loosen, this will trigger an allergic response.
People with severe allergies can still live with cats in the event that they often wash their hands, clean surfaces and vacuum to remove dander. They also can exclude cats from areas they need to be freed from allergens, resembling bedrooms.

Ruth McHugh Dillon, CC BY-NC
While cats can provoke allergic reactions, There is also evidence Contact with cats may play a protective role in stopping the event of asthma and allergic reactions. This is because exposure can alter the immune system, making allergic reactions less likely.
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