"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Mental Powers of Super Agers.

Old mind, young mind

Memory loss is commonly related to brain shrinkage. But how much brain size changes with age is extremely variable.

On average, an individual's brain volume and weight decline by about 5% per decade, starting after age 40. Age-related brain shrinkage affects brain regions related to learning and memory, similar to the frontal lobe and hippocampus. A smaller brain also makes it less likely to keep up strong connections between its different parts.

“These brain changes can make it more difficult to learn and process new information, remember names and words, and focus on completing tasks,” says Katsumi.

But in keeping with some research, the brains of very old people shrink more slowly — about half as fast. Why this happens will not be fully understood.

“There may be a genetic component that makes these people's brains more resilient to natural shrinkage or shrink at a slower rate, but the difference may also be linked to lifestyle habits,” says Katsumi. “It's also possible that some people are born with abnormal memory, so they can maintain above-normal brain function despite natural decline.”

to live

So the query arises, are you able to make yourself a super-ager? Although you’ll be able to't do anything about your genes, it might be possible to slow cognitive decline—or possibly even improve cognitive function—by adopting lifestyle decisions for the elderly. .

Many older adults adopt habits which can be related to healthier brains, including higher memory and a lower risk of dementia. For example:

Be more social. Super-agers have large social groups. Studies show that regular social engagement is a terrific approach to boost the brain. The opposite can be true. According to research published online June 8, 2022, social isolation is related to reduced gray matter volume in brain regions related to cognition. Neurology.

One approach to increase social activity is to affix a gaggle. Men often find it most natural to bond with others over a shared activity or interest, so consider a walking group, a golf or bowling league, a card or chess club, or a men's club at a senior community center.

If you have already got a small circle of friends but are having trouble getting together commonly, take the initiative and schedule a gathering. Men typically respond well to routine, so try to establish regular gatherings for coffee or lunch in the identical place, ideally in a setting designed for conversation and discussion.

Challenge yourself. Studies have linked learning to raised memory. “Anything that can stimulate the brain and engage you in learning new information helps,” says Katsumi.

Focus on topics that interest you. For example, study the language for an upcoming trip abroad. A study published on May 15, 2019 Frontiers in Neuroscience found that adults aged 59 to 79 who studied a second language for just 4 months (16 two-hour sessions) improved neural connectivity in areas of the brain involved in attention, working memory and are accountable for language processing. Other examples include signing up for a web-based class, learning to play an instrument, volunteering for a cause you like, or mentoring youth. According to a 2020 study, playing video games may improve memory in older adults. Behavioral brain research.

Eat more “superfoods.” So-called superfoods are high in antioxidants, which a growing body of research has shown to assist reduce inflammation and protect cells from disease-causing damage. But scientists have also suggested that other nutrients or compounds — similar to polyphenols, omega-3 fatty acids, and certain vitamins and minerals — also play a job.

It's no coincidence that many superfoods are necessary in brain-healthy diets just like the MIND, DASH, and Mediterranean diets. It's not certain which foods or what amounts are ideal, so the consensus is to give attention to eating “superplates”—meals that include quite a lot of superfoods. Common decisions include the next:

  • jujube
  • Whole grains (oats, quinoa, barley)
  • Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, trout)
  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans)
  • Olive Oil
  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage)
  • avocados
  • green tea

Be more energetic. Super-agers are quite energetic. Research has suggested that exercise may also help maintain and possibly improve cognitive function, even if you happen to start later in life. Aerobic exercise, strength training, and even yoga have been linked to raised memory in older adults.

Guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly. But consistency is vital. “The more active you are, the more the brain benefits,” says Katsumi. Doing quite a lot of activities can show you how to stay energetic. Make multiple decisions that you simply like and make them a part of your lifestyle.

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