"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

How microplastics can result in weight gain

September 5, 2024 – Microplastics: the tiny particles scattered in our food, our beauty products, and even the air we breathe.

Studies have shown that microplastics can have a wide range of health consequences – from heart disease and strokes to digestive problems. It may even cause cancer.

But did you already know that these microscopic particles also can cause weight gain? Microplastics can Cortisolor stress hormones, said Dr. Christopher Thompson, a weight-loss researcher at Harvard Medical School.

“Microplastics disrupt hormone levels and can mimic cortisol, estrogen and other hormones,” he said.

Cortisol is a hormone that happens in our body and helps to manage our blood sugar, reduce inflammationand keep our blood pressure under control. High cortisol levels are known to have a negative effect on our weight. Too much of this stress hormone may cause Cushing's syndromewhich might result in weight gain within the abdominal area, across the neck and face and also can trigger High blood pressure.

“Cortisol is linked to obesity in many ways, and people are recognizing that,” Thompson said. “When you have microplastics that mimic cortisol and the effects of cortisol, you can see how that is linked to weight gain.”

That is the issue. Microplastics are found mainly in highly processed foods – similar to hot dogs, chips and cookies – which make up greater than half of the eating regimen of adults within the United States, after to the CDC.

“We know that highly processed foods can have a major impact on metabolism,” says Angel Nadal, PhD, professor of physiology on the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche in Spain. “I would not recommend microplastics and their endocrine disrupting effectas an important factor in this.”

Microplastics may be tougher to detect and measure than other environmental problems of the past – similar to Heavy metals – so latest tracking methods are needed to acquire more data on their risks and effects, said Andrew West, PhD, professor of neurology at Duke University School of Medicine in Durham, North Carolina.

“These are new types of molecules that we've never seen in our daily exposure,” he said. “The levels continue to rise as we release more and more of them into the environment, and they return as smaller and smaller particles (making them harder for us to find). If they eventually integrate into important processes that determine health, I think that will have important implications that we need to better understand.”

There are ways you’ll be able to limit your exposure to microplastics.

“You should never microwave your food in a plastic container because those plastic pieces will get into your food on a larger scale,” Thompson said. “That's exactly what they do when they process food: They heat the components of the food in plastic, combine them together and put them in a plastic package.”

It is vital to notice that in today’s world it’s unimaginable to completely avoid microplastics. Therefore, your goal ought to be to Reduce your exposure as an alternative, Thompson said. You can do that by eating whole foods that aren't packaged in plastic, similar to meat, vegetables and fruit. You must also attempt to avoid plastic water bottles and eating utensils, in addition to plastic cutting boards, he said.

“You need to develop a plan to minimize microplastic consumption,” Thompson said. “There is no evidence that microplastics can be removed from the human body. However, there is early research suggesting that certain probiotics may be able to help trap them in stool.”

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical used in certain plastic products – such as water bottles and food containers – and is regulated by the FDA says is usually secure for humans when taken in small doses. “In animals, such chemicals have been shown to cause metabolic disorders, Insulin resistanceand result in weight gain,” said Nadal. “Epidemiological studies have shown that exposure to those chemicals results in diabetes and obesity in humans.”

You may have seen packaging labeled “BPA-free.” But “BPA-free” doesn't mean the products are safe, Thompson says. Manufacturers often replace BPA with its “chemical cousins,” bisphenol F and bisphenol S. These chemicals are also hormone disruptors, he warns.

“We're allowed to make use of these chemical substitutes and that offers us a false sense of security since it needs to be secure for my child or me,” Thompson said. “But it's not. The issue with plastics is that we're not trying to seek out one which doesn't contain harmful chemicals.”