"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Canada requires health warnings on individual cigarettes

June 1, 2023 – Canada might be the primary country on the earth to require health warnings to be printed on individual cigarettes, the country’s health ministry announced Wednesday.

Messages appearing on cigarettes and cigarillos include:

  • “Tobacco smoke harms children.”
  • “Cigarettes cause leukemia.”
  • “Poison in every move.”
  • “Cigarettes cause impotence.”

The Canadian government has set a goal to scale back tobacco use from the present 13% to lower than 5% of Canadians by 2035. In the United States, 19% of adults use tobacco products, in response to the CDC.

The latest requirements might be phased in from 1 August and the news, which is able to appear in English and French, might be updated often.

Canada already requires that 75% of the space on the back and front of tobacco packages be reserved for pictorial health warnings and speak to information for people looking for help to quit smoking.

“This bold step will make health warnings virtually unavoidable and, together with updated graphic imagery on packaging, will provide a real and frightening reminder of the health consequences of smoking,” said Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Canada’s Minister of Mental Health and Addiction, in a opinion“We will continue to do whatever it takes to help more people in Canada quit smoking and help young people live healthy, tobacco-free lives.”

A tobacco policy expert said The New YorkJust that individuals who smoke a pack a day would see no less than 7,300 anti-smoking messages per 12 months with the brand new initiative.

“There are no public health messages or messages of any kind that have this kind of reach,” Geoffrey Fong, PhD, a psychology professor on the University of Waterloo, told the Just“These deterrent warnings on cigarettes have the potential to have a big impact.”