"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

Can Occupational Therapy Improve Your Quality of Life?

Get your life back by learning recent ways to do once-easy activities which are now difficult.

Image: Mechanch/Thinkstock

How OT works

Multiple perspectives

Sometimes this adjustment involves training you to make use of adaptive equipment to make each day activities easier. “There are so many tools, it can be overwhelming if you don't know what you need,” says Pinsens.

For example, there are tools to enable you to eat if you might have difficulty grasping: specially shaped utensils, and curved bowls and plates that enable you to load food onto your fork. There are adaptive equipment to enable you to in the lavatory (shower chairs, toilet seats, and hygiene aids) and to enable you to dress (placed on socks and shoes, shirt buttons, and elastic shoelaces). (durable goods for).

OT may include an exercise program to strengthen the muscles around joints which are so painful that they prevent you from doing an activity. The advantage is that you simply don't should suffer. “We can help you do some of life's most meaningful activities more easily,” says Pinsons.

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