"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

18% of adults within the US use sleeping pills, in line with a report

February 8, 2023 – Nearly one in five American adults recurrently takes prescription or over-the-counter medications to assist them sleep higher, a brand new government report says.

Only 2% say they take something every night to assist them go to sleep or sleep through the night, while 6% said they take something most nights. And 10% say they take something sometimes.

The report comes from the National Center for Health Statistics, which is a component of the CDC.

Some of the sleeping pills require a prescription and a few can be found over-the-counter.

According to the report, more women than men take sleeping pills. And consumption generally increases with age.

Experts advise most individuals to get at the very least 7 hours of sleep an evening. According to the CDC, one-third of all adults don't get enough sleep.

According to the nonprofit organization Mental Health America, nearly two-thirds of adults report being unable to sleep as a consequence of stress. The Washington Post“Not getting enough sleep increases the risk of several diseases and disorders, including heart disease, obesity and dementia.”

Regular, solid sleep brings various health advantages for the brain and body – “some say it is as important as diet and exercise for a long and healthy life,” The post wrote.

Experts prefer that individuals overcome sleep problems without resorting to long-term use of sleeping pills. This may include sticking to a sleep schedule, avoiding using electronic devices before bedtime, and limiting nicotine and caffeine consumption.