"The groundwork of all happiness is health." - Leigh Hunt

10 Reasons Kids Have Sleep Problems, and How Parents Can Help

For some parents, getting their baby to bed is a struggle that may take hours. Others get up in the midst of the night to assist their child fall back to sleep. Such sleep problems affect one in 4 children and their parents too.

As a pediatric sleep researcher, I actually have faced the query of why these sleep problems occur. My team provides research. The greatest recipe Why children develop these sleep problems draws on greater than 30 years of research. We've identified the highest 10 causes of sleep problems for kids ages one to 10.

Why do children have sleep problems?

This is an advanced query. We identified roughly 60 aspects from a pool of 98 studies which will play a task. Ten of those aspects have been supported in several rigorous studies.

These aspects fall under three “lenses” we will use to grasp where children's sleep problems come from: biology, psychology, and environment.


As children become older, they’re less prone to have sleep problems.

Biology includes the inner workings of the kid, their makeup.

We identified two explanation why children develop sleep problems that stem from their biology – their temperament and their age.

Temperament, or temperament, is the personality you see in your child. Children who seem irritable or irritable have a tough time responding to alter. Can't be solved easily. Children with this kind of temperament could also be more prone to have sleep problems. Later in childhood.

As children become older, they turn into less likely. Sleep problems. This could also be because their brains can higher manage the processes required to calm down at night, or because they’re more independent of their bedtime routines.


The psychology of youngsters's sleep problems involves two parts: how children act and feel, and the way children and oldsters interact with one another.

We found six psychological explanation why children develop sleep problems: three related to how children act and feel, and three related to family interactions.

Children with consistent bedtime routines have fewer sleep problems than children with inconsistent bedtime routines.

First, we all know that children who’ve sleep problems earlier in life usually tend to have continuing sleep problems. Later in childhood – Unless there’s a change.

Occurs in children with mental health problems. More sleep problems, even when there isn’t a diagnosis. There are two groups of problems related to sleep problems: internalizing problems (equivalent to anxiety and depression) and externalizing problems (trouble following rules and concentrating). Internal problems could make it difficult for kids to sit down and go to sleep. Due to high stress levels. Externalizing problems could make it harder for kids to follow rules and routines, making it harder to go to sleep.

How children and their parents communicate can be necessary.

Consistent bedtime routines help babies feel secure, settled and prepared for sleep.
(Pexels/Ketut Subianto)

At night, parents who stick with their child until they go to sleep. Sleep problems. Parents turn into cues for kids to go to sleep. So, when a baby wakes up in the midst of the night and mom or dad isn't there, it's hard to get back to sleep.

During the day, parents who’ve inconsistent rules at home, who don't implement limits on their children or who react violently to small disruptions More sleep problems. Parents who act in these ways can have trouble keeping their child on the identical bedtime routine from night to nighttime and have children who experience more stress at bedtime. Sleeping is difficult.

Consistency can be necessary at night. Children with consistent bedtime routines are less prone to have sleep problems. Children with inconsistent routines. Consistent bedtime routines help babies feel secure, settled and prepared for sleep.

the environment

Environment includes how children and oldsters interact with the world around them.

More electronics use is linked to more sleep problems, especially screen use before bed.

First, more electronic use is linked to more sleep problems. This is particularly true when children use their screens. Bedroom or near bedtime. This is since the screen prevents melatonin (the sleep hormone) from doing its job, which it's speculated to do. Let us sleep. But that's not the entire story. Electronics may also keep children awake, especially in the event that they are playing a game or watching an interesting show.

Second, there are more low-income and low-educated families. Children with sleep problems. This possibility There is no direct consequence of income or education, but the results of these circumstances, equivalent to living in noisy neighborhoods or having parents with changing schedules.

Copyright Adam Newton.
(Adam Newton), The writer provides.

These aspects account for the core of why sleep problems occur, but not the entire story. We don’t yet know the way these aspects may interact to create one another. Sleep problems for better or worse. There are other aspects I haven't mentioned—like bedroom lighting and noise or conflicts between parents—that can assist our understanding.

How can parents help?

Of the ten aspects I've listed, parents can directly improve 4:

  • Help children go to sleep on their very own;

  • Develop a transparent and consistent bedtime routine.

  • Limit electronics at bedtime and bedtime;

  • Calmly, set clear and age-appropriate boundaries in your child throughout the day.

These changes could be easy and may have a huge impact in your baby's sleep.